开发领导, 团队合作, and social skills that will last a lifetime through participating in one of our 30 sports leagues and tournaments or in one of our club sports teams. 体育 are a healthy way to have fun, create memories, and stay active.
- 提高耐力和注意力
- 体验新事物
- 与他人建立新的持久的联系
- 减少焦虑和压力
- 提高领导能力和团队合作能力
- 增加信心
学生, 教师, and staff of all skill levels have the opportunity to choose between indoor and outdoor events ranging from single-day tournaments to multi-week league sports. We offer about 30 different sports in a given academic year including racquetball, 乒乓球, 篮球, spikeball, 板球, 夺旗橄榄球, 足球, 和排球.
还有很多乐趣, those who participate in 校内的 体育 will also develop leadership, 团队合作, 以及终身受用的社交技巧.
个人和团队注册, 比赛日程安排, 和花名册管理都是通过TAMUC完全在线的 IMLeagues. To play 校内的 体育 f或者是 first time, please follow the instructions below.
- 导航到 imleagues.com/tamuc 或下载由IMLeagues提供支持的狮子 Rec体育应用程序 谷歌玩 或者是 苹果应用商店.
- 选择德州A&M University-商务会把你转到SSO.
- 使用您的大学证书通过SSO登录.
- 完成所需的信息并创建您的帐户.
个人和团队注册 must be submitted by midnight on the last day of registration for that particular event.
- Click your desired sport and league from the options displayed and select “+Create team.”
- Agree to sport waiver and fill in your team information as prompted. 提交你的团队.
- From your team p年龄, invite friends or accept requests from friends to join your team.
- Accept a request from the captain to join their team through email or IMLeagues or find the team and captain name on the division/league p年龄 and requesting to join.
- Go to the captain's player card p年龄, view their team or request to join.
- 当前付费A&移动商务本科生和研究生
- A&移动商务教职员工. You must have a 校园娱乐 会员 in order to participate in activities that take place at the MRC
- A&移动商务的校友
- 这所大学的合同工. SSC、索迪斯、建筑公司等.)
- 其他学院或大学的学生
- Faculty and staff that do not have a 校园娱乐 会员 (applies to sports taking place in the confines of the MRC)
- Spouses and/or life and domestic partners of students, 教师 or staff
我们知道为一支球队找到足够的球员是很有挑战性的! If you don't have a team to join but still want to play, that simply means you're a free 年龄nt. 这里有几个选择来寻找一个团队一起玩.
- 访问 imleagues.com/tamuc 并确保您已经创建了您的帐户.
- 寻找标题为“需要一个团队”的运动? 在这里注册!” Many sports and leagues have already created teams to be solely comprised of free-年龄nt players.
- 找到并点击你想玩的运动. Continue to follow the prompts at the top of each p年龄 before finally joining your new team!
- You can request to join teams or post information about yourself so teams can request to add you to their team.
- Please note that requesting to join a team does not instantaneously place you on that team. It is a good practice to reach out to the captain before showing up to a game.
- You can show as a “Free Agent” in as many divisions within a league as you'd like (use the player-sign-up drop-down menu on the top right of every p年龄 on IMLeagues).
- 注册为 a free 年龄nt does not guarantee a spot on a roster nor can you be placed on a roster without the captain's approval.
下载官方体育项目app, 狮子 Rec sports. IMLeagues提供支持, the 狮子 Rec 体育 app lets you sign up a team or yourself for intramural sports, 参加俱乐部的运动队, 查看你的比赛时间表, 看看你在排行榜上的位置, 都来自你的手机.
A club sport is a student organization that is formed and led by A&M-商务 students who have a love and passion f或者是ir sport or activity. 一项俱乐部运动可能包含娱乐性, 教学, 以及社会化成分, 但大多数都是竞争性质的. 有些俱乐部是国家管理机构或联盟的一部分, but all clubs compete against other universities across the state and region.
Participation in our club sports program is a valuable part of student development and can greatly enhance a student's college experience. We encour年龄 all levels of skill and support equal opportunity to any student regardless their race, color, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 遗传信息, 或者老兵身份.
同时协助俱乐部开展业务, students are responsible for all aspects of operating and managing a successful organization.
不要看到你的运动项目列表? 询问开始一项俱乐部运动!
The 网球俱乐部 team offers both recreational opportunities for those who wish to compete against others on campus, as well as competitive opportunities for those who wish to compete against other universities.
成为这个俱乐部的一员, you will have the opportunity to learn beginner and advanced tennis techniques. This club is designed to help you improve your game and offer the opportunity to improve and compete at a higher level. 皇冠体育365以获得更多关于我们俱乐部的信息.
- 总统: 托尼公园
- 副总裁: Hyeunjun张成泽
- 财务主管: Jaewon夸克
- 总统: 亚当-莫里斯
- 副总裁: 蒂莫西·库珀
- 财务主管: 伊桑Waldschmidt
All clubs must register with the Office of Student Organizations in order to become a Club Sport. Student Organizations must follow the process as set forth by Student Organizations (学生组织:成立新组织).
Once a club has registered with Student Organizations, a meeting must be set up with 凯尔西·卡托,体育项目协调员. 扶轮社必须在这次会议上提供下列资料:
- Constitution: This document is the foundation of the club's operations. 它应该清楚地列出目的, 会员, 组织架构(官员及顾问), 选举过程, 本会之规章制度及经费来源.
- Roster: Student Organizations require a minimum of six members for each club. 俱乐部体育 that have a higher minimum number of participants required to play the sport will be required to meet the minimum needed to play the sport before becoming a club sport.
Approval and acceptance into the 俱乐部体育 Program happens on a semester-by-semester basis. Clubs must be established as a registered student organization and must have met all of the requirements for 开始一项新的俱乐部运动 as listed above. 一旦获得批准, the club will become an active club sport f或者是 following semester and will be eligible to start receiving funding.
成为官方俱乐部运动项目后, clubs must follow the guidelines below to maintain their club sport status.
- 校园娱乐
- 903.468.3181
- (电子邮件保护)
- 2600 W. Neal圣.
- 商务,德克萨斯州75428